
Patterns of stress-strain state of head rubber-cable rope considering influence of disturbed shaft geometry

D. Kolosov1, S. Onyshchenko1, O. Bilous2, H. Tantsura2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:167-177


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PurposeDetermination of a stress-strain state of a flat rubber-cable head rope of a hoisting machine considering the influence of disturbed shaft geometry to justify the requirements for safe operation of a mine hoisting complex.

Methodology of research is to determine the mechanism of formation of dynamic processes in mechanical systems of mine hoisting machines on a basis of establishing patterns of redistribution of a stress-strain state of a rope considering the influence of disturbed shaft geometry and spatial deformation of a flat rubber-cable rope.

Findings. Analytical dependencies for determining a stress strain state of a flat rubber-cable head rope of a mine hoisting machine are established considering deviations of geometrical parameters of shaft reinforcement from design values. Obtained expressions indicate that the increase of forces caused by vessel rotation in a horizontal plane is proportional to a square of a product of an angle of vessel rotation and cable placement spacing in a rope, and inversely proportional to a square of a distance from a horizontal plane of location of a driving drum rotation axis to a plane of vessel connection. If rope deflection drums are used, it is inversely proportional to a square of a distance between a horizontal plane of location of a rotation axis of deflection drums and a plane of vessel connection.

Scientific novelty is establishment and consideration of dependencies of formation, redistribution and change of a stress-strain state of flat rubber-cable head ropes under conditions of operation of a mine hoisting machine in shafts with disturbed geometry.

Practical significanceObtained results can be considered in analysis of permissibility of safe hoisting of raw materials in mine shafts with disturbed location of lifting vessel guides.

Keywords: mine hoist, flat rubber-cable rope, shaft reinforcement, deviation of geometrical parameters, stress-strain state, operational safety.


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