
The foundation of the structural and functional scheme of quality management technology of the generalized iron ore complex flows at mining and concentrating plants

V. Azarian1

1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:37-45


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The purpose of the work is to develop and justify the structural and functional scheme for creation of quality management technology for a generalized ore mining and enrichment complex in cargo flows, which will ensure optimal response time to changes in the ore grade, comprehensively adjusting the work of the mining and loading transport equipment to ensure the achievement of the target production plan.

Research methods. In order to develop and substantiate the structural and functional scheme of the quality management technology, the methods of analysis of existing systems and devices of quality control and management in open-pit mining conditions were applied in this scientific work.

The results. On the basis of the conducted research, the structural and functional scheme of quality management technology of iron-containing raw materials has been substantiated for the generalized complex of ore mining plants. It was established that effective quality management is ensured by the technology created as a result of synergy of two systems: quality control and management. Technology of quality management of iron-containing raw materials in ore flows at the generalized ore mining complexes is an influencing factor on the extraction, loading and transport equipment. This finding takes into account the heterogeneity of the raw material quality of the ore at certain sections of the deposit, chronological differences in commencement of mining works in different parts of the mine, planned and unplanned downtime, and differing distances to the central processing point. Next to that it also allows to track true quality indicators in the ore stream and compare them with the calculated values.

Scientific novelty. The methodology of formation of the ore stream with a given indicator of the ore grade has been further developed on the basis of the integration of quality control and management systems. That allows to control for the actual ore grade in the flow with the adjustment of the load on different mining faces in case if predefined quality amplitude fluctuates beyond the specified range.

The practical significance. The use of structural and functional scheme to create quality management technology for the generalized complex of cargo ore flows inside mining and processing plants will allow to respond as quickly as possible to any changes in the ore flow. This will allow to comprehensively adjust the operation of the lifting, loading, and transport equipment in all parts of the integrated ore flow to enable performance according to the production targets.

Keywords: generalized technology of quality control of ore flows, ore grade, amplitude of quality fluctuations .


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