
Determination of dimension stone cutting productivity by disk saw cutting machines

V. Mamray1, V. Korobiichuk1, V. Shlapak1, S. Iskov1, A. Panasiuk1

1Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:75-83


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The aim of research is to determine the specific productivity of natural stone cutting by disk saw cutting machines in planes parallel to the planes of vertical transverse and longitudinal massif cracks systems.

Research methods. To determine the specific productivity of natural stone by disk saw cutting machines used qualitative evaluation of samples, the method of statistical processing of results using computer tools; laboratory research.

Results. Particular samples were sampled with simultaneous orientation in space. The number of samples varied from four to twelve with a total of 40 pieces for six deposits. Orientation of the samples was carried out in such a way that one of the planes coincides with the azimuth of one of the main massif crack systems. Samples were made in the form of rectangular prisms with an intersection plane of 100-256 cm2 from the determined samples. Length of the third side varied from 10 to 30 cm. In their orientation, one of the short axes coincided with one of the main massif cracks systems - vertical longitudinal or transverse. The results of the research showed that the relative difference in specific productivity for gabbro deposits has positive values, and for granite deposits has negative values. These values range from 12.2 ÷ (-28.7) %.Moreover, the maximum cutting performance of stone is observed on planes that run parallel to deposit crack system: for granite - longitudinal, for gabbro - transverse. This proves that the cutting performance of dimension stone depends on the physical and technical characteristics of stone, but is also determined by directions of stone destruction planes.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, a relative difference in specific productivity was determined for the six blocks of dimension stone.

Practical meaning. The obtained data allow effectively to use the disk saw cutting machine for extraction of dimension stone, improve the performance of these machines.

Keywords: dimension stone; cutting performance; massif anisotropy; systems of cracks.


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