
Determination the scope of work and terms of commissioning elements of the cyclic-and-continuous technology complexes

O. Shustov1, S. Moldabayev2, A. Adamchuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:144-153


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Purpose. Selection and justification of rational schemes for opening deep horizons of a surface mine that develops the steeply dipping deposits using cyclic-and-continuous technology complexes for operating conditions of the Kacharsky iron ore surface mine.

The methods. The calculation of the effectiveness of the schemes for opening deep horizons of a surface mine is carried out using the developed methodology for determining the horizontal horizons of the excavation of the rock mass, which is based on the method of analyzing graphs of the dependence of the volume of the mining of the rock mass on the current depth of mining of an open-cast mineral deposit.

Findings. The method has been developed for determining the horizontal horizons of rock excavation for three schemes for opening the deep horizons of the surface mine: versatile front movement, with the formation of a permanent idle side in the north-east and south-west. The methodology for calculating the volume of rock extracted during the completion of transport pillars is presented. The procedure for mining construction and measures for the construction of a loading point for automobile and conveyor transport has been established. Recommendations were made regarding the mining regime for the construction period of cyclic-flow technology complexes.

The originality. For three schemes for opening deep horizons of the surface mine, graphic dependences of the volumes of the excavation of the rock mass on the current depth of open-cast mining of the mineral deposit are established. The studies were carried out to vary the width of the working platform of 20, 40 and 60 m and the length of the initial trench 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 m. The current depth of the surface mine (height of the working area) is divided into 6 horizons with a height of 60 m.

Practical implication. According to the developed method for calculating the parameters of cyclic-and-continuous technology complexes, the optimal location horizon of the loading point of the combined automobile and conveyor transport of the Kacharsky surface mine was established, taking into account the angle of inclination of the conveyor 18-23°. From the point of view of reducing the cost of transporting rock mass, it is recommended that a loading point be installed with through passage of trucks at a depth of 329 m.

Keywords: cyclic-and-continuous technology complexes, conveyor transport, automobile transport, loading point.


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