
Determination of electric vehicle parameters for turning while sideways

V. Franchuk1, K. Ziborov1, S.Fedoriachenko1,М.Tsonda1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:87-96


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Goal. Determine the parameters of the movement of the front-wheel drive electric vehicle on a rounding taking into account the lateral slippage of the wheels.

The methodology of the study is to create a mathematical model using the design of the front-wheel drive electric car when driving on a rounding, taking into account the tractive force at the point of contact of the wheel and the road surface.

Results of the research. The model of wheel motion of a front-wheel-drive electric car as absolutely solid bodies and at elastic interaction of a wheel surface with a road surface is considered. The parameters of traffic on a straight section and rounded roads were determined taking into account the lateral slippage of wheels under different conditions of braking force and traction on roads with different coverage at speed.

Scientific novelty. The influence of pavement characteristics and driving trajectory on the parameters of electric and hybrid passenger car traffic is established. In the model of the interaction of the output units of a passenger electric vehicle, the coefficient of the form of the interaction of the wheel at longitudinal and transverse (lateral) movement is introduced, which establishes a connection between the parameters of the external load, the elastic characteristics of the material, etc. The magnitudes of relative deformation at which maximum traction or brake force is observed are determined.

Practical meaning. Using a calculated scheme of a front-wheel-drive electric car when driving on a rounding, a mathematical model of the motion of the electric-motor is drawn up, which implements traction at the point of contact of the wheel and the road surface. The dependences of the braking force and the traction force of the electric vehicle have been determined, which can be used in the implementation of algorithms of systems of course stability for achievement of the optimum trajectory of movement. Indicators of the boundary trajectories of the electric vehicle motion in the lateral sliding of the wheels within the fence are determined.

Keywords:course stability system, electric car, road surface, mathematical model.


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