
Justification of efficiency of application of technological scheme for overburden development in conditions of Motronivsky-Annivsky watered placer

B. Sobko1, V. Kardash1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:7-16


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Goal. Investigation of the technological scheme for overburden development in the conditions of flooded Motronovsky-Annivsky placer and its impact on the environment.

Methodology. An analytical method was used to determine the performance criteria of the technological scheme. The baseline data for the study of the transport distance and the volume of overburden were obtained by graphical methods.

Research results. The indexes of efficiency of technological scheme of development and transportation of overburden in the conditions of flooded placer deposits are carried out according to the following criteria: productivity of equipment, economic feasibility of application of technological scheme, impact on the environment. For each indicator values for each year of development of the field were obtained. The investigated technological scheme allows to provide the necessary productivity for the overburden dvelopment with much better economic indicators. In addition, the proposed technological scheme allows to reduce the mass of dust released during transport of overburden into the waste heaps.

Scientific novelty. For the first time the economic feasibility of using the investigated technological scheme of development of overburden in the conditions of flooded placer deposits with high power of overburden is substantiated. The mass of dust released during transport of overburden rocks for the investigated and existing technological schemes was also calculated. The dependence of the mass of dust allocated by overburden development on the volumes of overburden to be extracted to ensure the annual productivity of the ore sands is determined. The comparative characteristics of dust masses, which are released during the development of the deposit according to the known scheme (with the use of draglines and dump trucks) and the technological scheme with development of overburden by bucket-wheel excavators with the use of conveyor transport by shortest distance, are presented.

Practical value. The results obtained are necessary to substantiate the effectiveness of the applied technological scheme of development and transportation of overburden to the internal dump in the conditions of flooded placer deposits.

Keywords: technological scheme, horizontal field, dump trucks, dragline, bucket-wheel excavators, overburden development, conveyor transport, mass of dust being emitted.


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