
Study of changes of reconstruction durability of residential houses of first mass series

Т. Dubelt1

1Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odesa, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:230-239


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Purpose. To investigate the impact of organizational and technological factors on the durability of reconstruction of residential houses of first mass series using computer programs. To describe the analytical dependencies and to get their graphical image using mathematical modeling. To explore the influence of factors on the index of duration of the reconstruction. To determine the minimum and maximum values of duration of reconstruction of residential houses of first mass series and the multiple values of factors in the areas of efficient solutions that reduce the duration of works.

The methodology of the study is to make a number of abstract models simulating the reconstruction of residential houses of standard series 1-4382.5-7, by the simultaneous impact of organizational and technological factors with different levels of variation. Study of the actual reconstruction of a residential building requires significant means and does not allow to retrace the impact of factors, because it represents one model of reconstruction. We defined the interrelation between factors and the index of the reconstruction durability of abstract models with the help of mathematical modeling by reduced plan of the experiment with minimum number of experiments. The result is described by analytical formula and it is depicted in the form of dependency graphs.

The results of the study represented by graphs of factors dependencies and the index of reconstruction durability allowed to determine the kind of function of dependency, the degree of influence of each factor, the area effective solutions by simultaneous impact of factors.

Scientific novelty.  Dependencies between factors and the index of the reconstruction durability of residential houses of first mass series have been defined for the first time by using mathematical modeling.

Practical value. Graphic representation of the dependencies’ factors on the reconstruction durability allowed us to determine the combination of factors under which the duration of the reconstruction does not exceed the acceptable rate. The results of the research were used to elaborate recommendations for the reconstruction of residential houses of first mass series in Mykolayiv.

Key words: organizational and technological factors, abstract models, levels of variation, charts of dependencies, areas of effective solutions.


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