
Creation of a digital three-dimensional mining-geological model of the Motronivsko-Annivsky placer

B. Sobko1, V. Kardash1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:7-15


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Purpose. Creation of a digital three-dimensional geological model of the Motronivsko-Annivska section of the Malyshevsky placer for mining and geometric analysis of rock volumes changes at the field development stages by using complex of three-dimensional mining and geological modeling software "Micromine".

Research methodology. To model the changes in rock volumes at the stages of field development, a three-dimensional mining and geological model of the Motronivsko-Annivska section of the Malyshevsky placer was created according to geological exploration wells using the software complex of mining and geological modeling "Micromine".

Results of the research. The conducted researches allowed to carry out the analysis of distribution of mineral within a contour of placer stocks. The classical system of mineral accumulation (ilmenite, rutile, zircon) is clearly traced with the maximum content of ore minerals in the central part of the placer - 5 –7% on the periphery - 2 - 4%. The conducted mining and geometric analysis of the quarry field allowed to develop a calendar plan for the development of the field for the first seven years, taking into account the design capacity of mining equipment during mining and capital works and during overburden excavation works. In addition, with the help of a three-dimensional geological model of the deposit, the content of the main extracted materials was established: ilmenite, rutile, zircon.

Scientific novelty. Substantiated volumes of rocks at the stages of field development. The dependence of the opening coefficient on the years of development of the Motronivsko-Annivsky section of the Malyshevsky placer is established.

Practical value. The obtained results are necessary for establishing the regularities of fluctuations in the content of useful components in ore sands; conducting operative calculation of reserves and estimation of volumes of ore sands and overburden rocks by years of field development; conducting continuous planning and adjustment of mining operations, creation of digital plans of mining operations.

Keywords: three-dimensional geological model of the deposit, quarry, ore sands, overburden, overburden coefficient.


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