
Analysis of the mined coal quality and ways of enhancement it in the Western Donbas mines

D. Malashkevych1, M. Petlovanyi1, N. Postol1, M. Postol1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:53-64


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Purpose. Analysis of the mined coal quality indicators and tendencies of their changes in relation to the parameters of longwall operations in difficult mining and geological conditions of Western Donbas mines.

Methodology. To achieve this goal, statistical data of production and operational ash content in the Western Donbas mines were used. The data of mining and geological forecasts, indicators of working faces and modern mining technical parameters of coal seam development systems achieved in mines were used.

Results. A tendency has been established to increase production volumes and deteriorate indicators of average operational ash content and undercut value, which is due to an increase in the number of commissioning of thin coal seams (less than 1.0 m). The factors influencing the increase in the ash content of mined coal have been substantiated. The influence of the adopted technological scheme of seam extraction and the magnitude of the undercut on the formation of the operational ash content indicator has been investigated. It has been determined that in the geological conditions of the C9, C10t and C11 of Heroiv kosmosu mine, the transition of stope faces from gross to selective coal mining will reduce the operational ash content to 22%, 14.8% and 19.3%, respectively, with a sequential seam development scheme.

Original. Trends in the change in the quality indicators of coal produced in the Western Donbas mines are analytically determined and substantiated. The analytical dependences of the change in the operational ash content of the mined coal on the adopted seam development scheme and the magnitude of the undercut in the developed seams of Heroiv kosmosu mine.

Practical implication. The results obtained prove, from a practical point of view, the deterioration of the quality indicators of mined coal, which necessitates the development of new progressive technical solutions for the extraction of clean coal in longwalls with minimization of rock outcrops to the day surface.

Key words: coal seam, mining, production ash content, waste rock, rock cutting, bedrocks, selective coal extraction.


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