
Validation of the use of mine roof rocks explosive unloading to increase the efficiency of metal frame support

E. Fesenko1, Ye. Pavlov1

1Technical University Metinvest Polytechnic, Mariupol, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:88-99


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Objective. Study of the features and efficiency of the trapezoidal frame support reinforced with a increased resistance central pillar with various types of bearing profiles under the action of an external load.

Research methods. Numerical simulation by the finite element method was carried out using the Lira software package. A model of support was used in the form of a flat frame loaded with external forces applied to the beam. The stress-strain state of dangerous sections of the structure is analyzed by determining the values of internal force factors in them.

FindingsOn the basis of the developed methodology and the design diagram, a comparison was made of the frame trapezoidal reinforced support efficiency with the central pillar under the action of various types of external loads and using various types of load-bearing structural elements. The bearing capacity of the support was calculated, the selection and design of the bearing elements was carried out. The performance parameter of each of the considered supports was calculated, which made it possible to substantiate the expediency of using the explosive unloading of roof rocks to increase the efficiency of the support.

The originalityA design diagram and a method for determining the bearing capacity of a trapezoidal frame support with a central pillar under the action of various types of external load have been developed. The analysis of the structure is carried out using the proposed performance parameter and the expediency of explosive unloading of roof rocks using a box-shaped closed section is proved to increase the efficiency of the frame support.

Practical implicationsOn the basis of the proposed design diagram, an analysis of the work of a frame trapezoidal support with a central pillar was carried out, which made it possible to substantiate the value of the bearing capacity of the support in various conditions of its operation, to accomplish the designing and select standard sizes of load-bearing elements, and is proved that the use for load-bearing support elements the closed box-shaped profile with explosive unloading roof rocks will provide significant savings in rolled metal, which can reach 300 tons or more per kilometer of production.

Key words: frame support, numerical simulation, rock pressure, bearing capacity, load-bearing member, working capacity.


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