
Kinetics of the process of oxidation of carbon monoxide on a zeolite-based manganese oxide catalyst

O. Ivanenko1, A. Trypolskyi2, M. Gomelya1, V. Radovenchik1, T. Overchenko1

1 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 L.V. Pisarzhevskii Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy ofSciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:126-138


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Purpose. Investigation of the kinetics of the process of catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide with atmospheric oxygen and determination of its limiting stage.

The methods. An experimental study of the oxidation reaction of carbon monoxide using metal oxide catalysts with molecular oxygen was carried out in a created flow-through unit at atmospheric pressure. The catalytic activity of the samples in the oxidation of carbon monoxide was characterized by the conversion of CO to CO2 and the specific rate of the reaction.

Findings. It was found that when carbon monoxide is oxidized by molecular oxygen at atmospheric pressure in the temperature range 200-500 °C, the kinetics of the oxidation process is described by a first-order equation, and the reaction on a manganese oxide catalyst proceeds in an intra-diffusion mode. The kinetic parameters of the process, the effective and true rate constants, activation energies and overexposure factor have been calculated, which can be used for further calculation of the catalytic reactor. It was shown that the transport of carbon monoxide molecules inside the catalyst granules proceeds in the Knudsen mode, and the reaction is not limited by the diffusion of carbon monoxide from the gas flow to the outer surface of the catalyst.

The originality. It consists in obtaining a kinetic description of the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide with atmospheric oxygen on a manganese oxide catalyst based on zeolite.

Practical implication. Calculated kinetic parameters of the specified process make it possible to calculate the catalytic reactor for oxidation of CO. The above technical solution will create conditions for the transfer of the obtained technology to environmentally hazardous critical infrastructure facilities, for example, metallurgical enterprises.

Keywords: carbon monoxide, catalyst, oxidation, manganese dioxide, zeolite, clinoptilolite, kinetics.


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