
Influence of change during the mechanical properties of rubber on the stressed state of a rubber traction body with a damaged cable

I.Belmas1, D. Kolosov2, T. Chechel2, O. Vorobiova2, O. Chernysh2

1Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro,Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 62:149-155


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Purpose. Establishment of influence of changes of rubber properties in time on a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive element with a broken cable.

Methodology of research is in analytical solution of a model of a rubber-cable tractive element considering the disruption of cable continuity and changes in rubber properties.

Findings. Thedependencies of change of a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive element with a disturbed structure due to rheology of a rubber shell are established. An algorithm of determining a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive element with a disturbed structure and manifestations of rheology of a rubber shell is formulated. It is shown that the loads on cables caused by the continuity ruptures in one of them lead to a local redistribution of forces practically only between two cables – the damaged one and the adjacent one. In a case of damage of a non-extreme cable, the forces practically change only in three cables – the damaged one and two adjacent ones. In this case, the extreme values of internal loading forces on cables do not depend on a change in shear modulus of the rubber material over time. It is established that significant rubber shear occurs between the damaged cable and the adjacent one along the rope length. The shear angles of rubber between other cables are much smaller relative to the shear in a zone of local redistribution of forces and stresses and they change insignificantly due to the aging of rubber over time.

Scientific noveltyThe mechanism of influence of changes in rubber properties on a stress-strain state of a tractive element considering the disruption of cable continuity and changes of rubber properties.

Practical significance. Consideration of dependency of a stress-strain state of a rope with local damages of a cable base on changes in rubber properties provides a possibility to predict the stress state of the rope in order to improve the operation safety and usage reliability of rubber-cable tractive elements with tong-term operation.

Keywords: lifting and transporting machine, rubber-cable tractive element, rubber shell, mechanical properties, operational changes, continuity rupture, rheology, mechanics of layered composite structures, mathematical model, analytical solution, stress-strain state.


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