
Research into heat and mass indicators of coal gasification process

P. Saik1, V. Lozynskyi1, V. Falshtynskyi1, M. Demydov1, K. Hanushevych1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:32-44


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Purpose.On the basis of conducted analytical and experimental researches, to establish the parameters of the heat and mass balance as well as energy balance of coal gasification.

Methods.In order to achieve this purpose, an integrated approach has been used, including analytical and experimental research. Analytical researches were carried out using the software product "MTB SPGV", and experimental ones – on an installation, designed and patented at the department of underground mining of Dnipro University of Technology which is equipped with the appropriate control and measuring equipment.

Findings.Findings. The possibility of replacing natural types of fuel with an alternative energy one – generator gas is considered. Evaluated its thermal characteristics compared to natural gas. The course of heat and mass, as well as the energy balances of coal gasification, is covered. The basis of making the heat and mass balance was used stoichiometric (by chemical equations) and thermochemical calculations. Conducting analytical studies allows us to visualize the degree of the theoretical amount of used substances and facilitates the analysis of digital data. The conduction of experimental studies allows taking into account the zonality of the thermal field’s distribution around the underground gasifier, which influences the stability of the reaction in it and the output of combustible gases.

Originality. The distribution of the output of generator gases and chemical products in the analytical and experimental studies is established, which makes it possible to determine the efficiency of conducting the process of coal gasification with the subsequent possibility of balancing the blowing mixtures in the underground gasifier.

Practical implications.The chemical and thermal efficiency, which will allow to receive a technical or energy directional-quality product with further synthesis of chemical substances, will provide a high degree of balance of the physical and chemical processes in the underground gasifier.

Keywords:underground gasification, generator gas, heat and mass balance, energy balance, chemical and thermal efficiency


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