
Research at the stand of technology of underground coal gasification through wells (UCGW)

V. Falshtynskyi1, A. Koshka1, V. Sulaiev1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:64-74


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The purpose of the research is to obtain data required to substantiate parameters of underground coal gasification through wells using physical model in the form of a stand unit.

Research methods.To simulatefull-scale experimental conditions,concerning coal seam gasification, the following has been determined analytically and calculated: geometry, scales of time, velocities, density, and pressure; scale coefficients of temperature, heat transfer and thermal response; indicators of hydromechanical, geometrical, and mechanical similarity; and homochronicity criteria.  The obtained geometrical and quantitative parameters of underground gas generator model as well as heat and material balance of a coal seam gasification process in the context of UCGW areas involving similarity criteria calculation results are used while equipping a stand unit for the specific mining and geological conditions.

The results.To substantiate parameters of underground coal gasification for the specific mining and geological conditions, a stand unit, making it possible to simulate full-scale conditions of coal seam gasification, has been designed and research procedure to simulate underground coal gasification processes has been developed. It provides for the preparation of the model for the experiment by forming the soil, roof and the coal seam of the actual material selected in the mine and creating channels in the coal seam for blowing, igniting, directly gasifying the coal seam and venting gas.

Scientific novelty.Use of the stand unit to simulate underground coal gasification processes and its performance capabilities help obtain experimentally new dependences, and substantiate both optimal and safe parameters of the technique.

The practical significance. When parameters of underground well coal gasification method for the specific mining and geological conditions are substantiated, the use of its physical model in the form of a stand unit makes it possible to save significant money resources and avoid possible mistakes while carrying out full-scale research and putting the technology  into operation.

Keywords:underground well coal gasification, stand unit, research, simulation of full-scale conditions, modeling.


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