
Comprehensive assessment of the industrial inputs impact on the pollution level of indoor airspace

M. Biliaiev1, T. Rusakova2

1Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:158-168


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Purpose.Calculation of the total pollution indicator and the risk of chronic intoxication of workers depending on the level of concentration of harmful substances at the sites of an industrial enterprise.

Themethodology. The two-dimensional mass transfer equation averaged over the height of the impurity transfer, describing the dispersion of emissions of sulfur dioxide, water vapor and sulfuric acid under the action of wind and atmospheric diffusion, is used for modeling. Equations are also used that take into account changes in the concentration of sulfur dioxide due to the formation of sulfuric acid and changes in its concentration due to chemical transformation of sulfur dioxide. Additionally, the process of interaction of sulfur dioxide with ammonia, which is contained in the air environment of an industrial enterprise, is taken into account. For the numerical integration of the mass transfer equations, an implicit difference scheme is used.

Findings.The calculation of the pollution indicator in the working areas at industrial sites and on the enterprise’s territory was carried out both for a specific impurity and taking into account the complex of compounds entering the air with emissions from an industrial enterprise. It is established that the average value of the pollution index exceeds 6,8 times the permissible value. The risk of chronic intoxication with sulfur dioxide on the territory of the plant DMZ EVRAZ was calculated, after a year the risk of chronic intoxication with sulfur dioxide of the company's employees averages 12%, and after 10 years 57%.

The originality.A method has been developed for the numerical calculation of the impurity concentration in the working areas at the sites of an industrial enterprise based on the two-dimensional mass transfer equation, taking into account the mutual influence of different amounts of pollution sources and chemical transformation of impurities in atmospheric air.

Practical implication.A set of programs has been created that allows computational experiments to be carried out in assessing safe working conditions at industrial sites of an enterprise.

Keywords:pollution concentration, industrial site, pollution rate, risk of intoxication.


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