
Prospectives of operational information system implementation for industrial cities population about the atmospheric air quality by international standards

A. Pavlуchenko1, Yu. Buchavyi1, O. Angurets2, P. Кhazan2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipropetrovsk regional council, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:178-191


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The purpose of the work.To conduct a critical analysis of existing approaches to the assessment of atmospheric pollution and to substantiate the feasibility of introducing a system of informing the population about the quality of atmospheric air according to international standards for the city of Dnipro.

Research Methods.To solve problems in the work were used: scientific search and generalization of the data of literary sources –for SWOT analysis of different approaches to the assessment of the pollution of the atmosphere of inhabited cities; statistical analysis –to calculate the current air quality indices, the risks of manifestation of acute effects on the health of the population, as well as the average monthly atmospheric air quality as a result of observations.

The results.The algorithm for estimation the current air quality indices and risk acute effects on health are given. The air quality average indicators estimation based on ground-level pollutant concentrations observing. An example of estimation the current air quality indices and appropriate risk acute health effects based on ground-level pollutants concentrations in Dnipro city are illustrated. Such approach allows find out the critical organs and systems of the human body that are affected by the actions of concentration of a substance in the light combined effects of complex pollutants.

Scientific novelty.The list of indicators necessary for implementation of the system of informing the population about the quality of atmospheric air of Ukrainian cities according to international standards is substantiated. The proposed indicators can be determined on the basis of the concentration data of pollutants recorded using high-precision gas analyzers of continuous action.

The practical significance.The proposed approach will allow the provision of information on the quality of atmospheric air, in accordance with current domestic standards and regulations, as well as international ones, which will contribute to the expansion of the pan-European monitoring network for atmospheric air in Ukraine.

Keywords:atmospheric air monitoring, air quality index, index of atmospheric pollution, index of danger, population health.


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