
Municipal solid waste landfills biogas utilization

A. Yurchenko1, D. Kulikova1, E. Dmitruk1, L. Cheberiachko2, I. Bezpiatyi1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Podgorodnenskaya secondary school № 3, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:192-202


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The purpose of the work. To analyze the methods and means of biogas utilization of municipal solid waste landfills, to develop a technological scheme of biogas utilization and safety criteria for technical means operation.

Research Methods. To solve the problems, we used in the work: an analytical method – for the study of the physical and chemical processes of biogas generation in municipal waste dumps; methods of mathematical statistics – to develop criteria for the safety of the biogas utilization system.

The results.The analysis of the state of the issue of biogas utilization of municipal solid waste landfills both in world practice and in Ukraine has been carried out. The forecast for methane production at landfills for municipal solid waste is given. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions ware estimated. A biogas utilization system have been developed. It was found that depending on local conditions, the rate of pumping landfill gas from one well is from 5-50 m3/h to 250 m3/h. The radius of influence of the well for pumping landfill gas varies within 8-80 m with an average value of 30-35 m. the Distance between the wells should not be less than twice the radius of influence. The developed safety criteria allow to prevent methane explosions in the process of biogas utilization.

Scientific novelty. Methods to ensure the safe operation of the system for the disposal of explosive gases, which not only monitor the concentration of methane at control points, but also the concentration of oxygen at these points, have been prospective developed. This is due to the fact that oxygen is the most important factor that affects the explosiveness of methane-air mixtures.

The practical significance.Аsimplified scheme for the utilization of biogas of small landfills for the extraction of compressed methanehas been developed, the technical means of which is mobile and mounted in containers. Safety criteria have been developed for the operation of this biogas utilization system. The developed technological scheme can be used for the utilization of methane at solid waste landfills with a capacity of less than 100 thousand tons.

Keywords: landfill, waste, biogas, disposal, system, technical means, operation, safety criteria


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