
Combinatorial method for determining the optimum flow distribution plan for mining and municipal an electric vehicle and charging stations

V. Kravets1, K. Ziborov1, K. Bass1, V. Krivda1, S. Fedoriachenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:178-191


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Purpose. Changes in the optimal plan for the distribution of the flow of vehicles and profits related to the structural transformations of the production capacity of the charging station, including labor resources, consumables, equipment and corresponding adjustments to its mathematical model. Using a combinatorial representation and the use of chain diagrams, a new method has been developed for determining the optimal distribution plan for a stream of vehicles in the charging station of industrial enterprises, which provides the greatest profit for the enterprise.

Research methodology. A mathematical model of the flow of vehicles at the charging station is based on the objective limitations associated with the cyclical capacity of the station. The optimal distribution plan for the flow of vehicles at the charging station is based on geometrical representations as the greatest distance from the origin of the plane (hyperplane) passing through the top of the polyhedron of the region of feasible solutions and is oriented along the gradient of the objective function (enterprise profit).

The results of the study. Using a combinatorial representation and chain diagrams, a new method was developed for determining the optimal distribution plan for the flow of vehicles in the charging station of industrial enterprises, which ensures the greatest profit of the enterprise.

Scientific novelty developed a new method for determining the optimal distribution plan of the flow of vehicles on the charging station of industrial enterprises, provides the greatest profit of the enterprise. The task becomes relevant in the light of the electrification of industrial transport and the improvement of batteries for them.

Practical value. This mathematical apparatus can be transferred to the conditions of a mining enterprise for the application of electrified industrial transport.

Keywords: mathematical apparatus, electrified industrial transport, combinatorial representation, charging station


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