
The moist removing control of the grain dryer with a gravitational moving layer

S. Tkachenko

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:193-202


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The purpose of the workTo develop a method of control of moist removing according to the data of moisture content of grain with identification of the coefficient of moist removing from the rate of unloading for application in automated systems for controlling grain dryers with a gravitational moving layer.

Research methodsOn the basis of the known dependencies of changing the moisture content of the grain in the dryer from the drying time, the drying speed of the product moisture, the temperature of the grain from the moisture, the characteristics of the operating conditions of the dryers in the gravitational moving layer, the existing instruction on drying the grain, and the existing drying control systems, to propose a method for identifying the coefficient the linear dependence of moisture on the drying time for specific conditions, and the algorithm for calculating the controlling influence on the means of unloading the grain from the drying chamber.

The results. The algorithm and calculation methods for control the process of grain moisture removal in dryers with a gravitational moving layer have been developed, which use moving average moist measurements at the input and output of the drying mine with the aim of further continuous identification of the dependence of moisture removal on the initial control action on the output mechanisms of the dryer in the current technological drying mode. This allows you to reduce the deviation of the moisture content of the grain from the target under a disturbing effect, which is a fluctuation in the incoming grain moisture of various portions or parts. The satisfactory of the algorithm and methods for mine and sectional dryers by testing on real objects is shown.

The direction of further research in the direction of developing recommendations for the preparation of drying corn and the additional correction of control of the output mechanisms of dryers is determined.

Scientific novelty is to develop a general moisture control algorithm for drying removing with a gravitational moving layer by measuring the moisture at the input and output of a drying chamber that can be used in the control loops of the grain drying process of automated systems based on comptrollers.

The practical significance. Improvement of the quality control of the moisture removing process by reducing the human factor in the process of stabilizing moisture at the drying chamber output for the target.

Keywords: moistureremoving, grain drying, moisture removing management, slippery middle moisture,comptroller.


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