
Systematization of strategies of surface mining of mineral deposits

B. Sobko1, V. Panchenko1, V. Lotous2, D. Vinivitin2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2FerrexpoPoltava Mining, Horishni Plavni, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:22-36


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The purpose is to systematize strategies for open mining of mineral deposits, i.e. the transition from individual proposals on the basis of different initial positions and interpretations of strategic management to a system of logical, mutually positioned options for types of strategies for conducting open cast mining.

The methods: 1) analysis of well-known general theoretical provisions of strategic management from the standpoint of applicability for the open-cast mining subject area, determination of the main structural components of strategic management and specification of the concept of “technology decision-making strategy”; formulation of initial definitions and provisions to create a systematization of strategies for open field development; 2) analysis of the general theoretical set of possible types of strategies with the position of the formulated initial definitions and provisions; 3) development of the initial classification strategic design and planning decisions; 4) mutual positioning of strategic design and planning decisions; 5) systemic synthesis of many strategies for open field development.

Findings. An interpretation of the main structural components of strategic management for open cast mining is proposed, and initial definitions and provisions are formulated to create a systematization of open-pit mining strategies. Based on the analysis of many possible types of general theoretical strategies, an initial classification of the types of strategies for open-pit mining is proposed. Based on the initial classification, the mutual positioning of strategies for making design and planning decisions on conducting open cast mining is substantiated, and a systemic synthesis of many strategies for open-pit mining is performed. The systematization of open-pit mining strategies thus obtained is the achievement of the goal of the work.

The originality. Based on the specifics of mining enterprises, for the first time, a scientific interpretation of the main structural components of the strategic management of open-pit mining has been proposed, which has made it possible to unambiguously define the concept of a strategy for open-pit mining.

Based on the proposed initial classification, the synthesis of the systemic set of possible strategies for open-pit mining of deposits was performed for the first time and their scientific systematization was first obtained.

Practical implication of the results lies in the proposed systematization, the use of which in the development of methodological support for strategic design and planning of open hearth works will allow more reasonably to choose specific strategies of different levels, based on mining-geological, mining-technical and other determining conditions.

Keywords: open field development, development strategy, strategic project planning, strategic planning.


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