
General methods of managing the front of mining operations with working out the sides with steep dipping layers

О. Anisimov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:46-55


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Purpose. To substantiate the methods of management of the front of mining operations in the development of deep open pits, which are worked through with steep dipping layers with the possibility of placing internal dumps in the developed space. To develop a scheme of decisions- making for developing deep open pits with steep dipping layers.

The methodology of research consists in the analysis of existing schemes of management of the front of mining and the determination of the methods of the sequence the decision-making regarding the schemes of the formation of the steep dipping layers and the internal stone disposal for the development of deposits with deep open pits.

Findings. An analysis of the schemes of management of the front of mining was carried out and the technological methods of controlling the parameters of the sides of the open pits and the length of the front of the mining operations were determined, which allowed to form a scheme of the sequence the decision-making. Much attention is paid to the possibilities of working out deep open pits with schemes with steep dipping layers. This technological scheme provides for the temporary conservation of sections of the sides of the open pit on overburden between the stages of development, the successive movement of the ledges from top to bottom and the development of the horizon with the transition to the next within each layer.

The originality. The general methods of managing the front of mining operations related to the development of open pits edges were developed, while the schemes of the development of steep dipping layers on the rock overburden were identified. The essence of the development of steep dipping layers is execution steps from choosing the type of open pit to appropriate systematization, to providing recommendations and conclusions on the development of steep dipping layers, with the subsequent formation of internal dumps in the developed space.

Practical implications. The research results allow for open pits having the same type of parameters, using their systematization to determine the main characteristics of the working zone. It is suggested that they be developed with steep dipping layers. The proposed sequence of decision-making allows us to understand the scheme which determines the indicators of development of deep open pits and their efficiency.

Keywords: deep open pits, steep dipping layers, methods of management of the mining front, sequence of decision-making.


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