
Studying the influence of ore quarry productivity and development system parameters on intencity of field mining

S. Zhukov1, S. Lutsenko1

1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:68-74


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Objective. The main objective of the study is to improve research and methodological basein designing and planning fields of quarry mining by developing new and adjusting existing methods of determining theore quarry productivity,that shall take into account the relationship between development system parameters and ore quarry productivity, based on provided ratio of reserves ready for extraction. To justify the influence of ore quarry productivity and development system parameters that are interconnectedbased on provided ratio of reserves ready for extraction, on intencity of field development.

MethodThestudyofdevelopmentsystemparametersandorequarryproductivityonintencityoffieldminingshallbecarriedouttakingintoaccounttherelationshipbetweenthewidthofworksiteandlengthoffront mining that provide for the ready for extraction reserves ratio with respect for regular productivity of the ore quarry. Atthat,therelationshipbetweenthedevelopmentsystemparametersisstudiedbymeansofthe graphical methods of mining and geometry analysis of the quarry field.

StudyresultsTherelationshipbetweentheproductivityoftheorequarryandparametersofdevelopmentsystemhasbeenestablishedbasedontheratioprovided for ready for extraction reserves that determines the intencity of field mining in case of change in ore quarry productivity.

ScientificnoveltyThechangeinorequarryproductivityispossibleduetochangeindevelopmentsystemparameters, thatprovidefortheratioofreservesreadyforextraction, and leads to change in intencity of field mining. Atthat, theincreaseinslopeangleofquarryminingwallduetodecreaseinthe widthofworksideleadstodecrease in ore quarry productivity, as well as to the speed of horizontal movement and the speed of quarry bottom deepening.

PracticalsignificanceTheresultsofperformed studies canbeusedbyengineeringorganizationsandminingenterpriseswhendeterminingtheproductivityofthe ore quarry, developing mining operations calendar plans.

Keywordsquarrymining, orequarryproductivity, widthoftheworksite, intencityofmining operations development, parameters of development system.


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