
Systematization and analysis of factors, determining eventual depth of quarry

N. Nesvitaylo1, G. Pedro1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:84-93


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Purpose. To systematize and analyze the main factors affecting the final depth of the quarry.

Research methods. To achieve this purpose the study used the method of analysis the main factors affecting the final depth of the quarry, and, accordingly, the boundary of transition from opencast mining to underground in combined (consecutive) development of steep deposits for groups: geological, technological, technical, economic and social.

The results of the study. Systematized the factors that determine the final depth of the quarry, as well as performed their analysis with the purpose of establishing the boundaries of transition from opencast mining to underground in combined (consecutive) development of steep deposits. To highlight the engineering-geological complexes (IGK) rocks systematized all the available data location, depth, lithology, density, and grip. From the analysis of the variability of adhesion, density and lithology at depth the limits of the IGKfor the difference zones. Summarized data on the species of the engineering-geological complexes, the strength properties of the enclosing and overlying rocks pipe "Catoca" grouped in complexes and their statistical characteristics as well as average values for weak rocks depending on the water content.

Scientific novelty. The regularities of changes in the basic governing pitwall stability parameters: clutch rocks (C), angle of internal friction (φ), density (ρ) and the coefficient of structural weakening (λ) from the current open pit depth Нk.t, which increase increase (the first three), and the coefficient of structural weakening of the array (λ) decreases. So, with increasing open pit depth from 100 m to 400 m, the adhesive force of the rocks (C) increases from 100 t/m2 (1 MPa) to 1300 t/m2 (13 MPa).

Practical value. The research results can be used to delineate the transition from surface mining to underground in combined (consecutive) development of steep deposits with consideration of systematisation of the main factors determining the final depth Kariera.

Keywords: open development, kimberlite pipe, the end of border's career, the stripping ratio.


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