
Modern ecologycal and economic approach to choice of development of mineral deposit

V. Prokopenko1, A. Cherep1, D. Pilova1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:94-110


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Purpose. Generalization of basic conditions influencing decision-making for choosing the technology for development of open pit field, methodological substantiation of criteria for assessing the ecological and economic efficiency of these decisions and the development of the algorithm for analyzing of basic conditions that influence mining technology efficiency according to current state of the environment.

The methodology is concluded in reviewing and systematizing of approaches to a choose a surface mining technology of a mineral deposit, methodical substantiation of analysis criteria and an assessment of factors that influence ecological and economic efficiency of technological complexes for mineral deposit development in market conditions.

Findings. The algorithm of efficiency assessment of mining technology taking into account the influence of mining and geological, technological conditions and practical results of the development of open pit mining, was developed. The costs for the development and dressing of ore, losses of its operational reserves and metal contained in the ore, as well as the volume of overburden, were calculated in consideration of changing of aforementioned evaluation criteria during a certain stage of operating of a flat deposit. Ecological and economic feasibilities of separate dressing of manganese ore coming from open pits with a different quality and content of manganese are stressed in results of the authors' research.

The originality. It’s determined that increasing of the content of manganese in the ore with its insignificant content does not lead to a significant increase of the extraction factor of a metal into a concentrate, and with a high content of its increasing allows noticeably to raise the level of this extraction.In order to reduce the volume of metal in dressing wastes, the development of ore and averaging of its quality according to open pit groups should be divided into two ore flows so that low manganese content in the ore is received in one group and high manganese content is done in the other one.

Practical implications. The environmental and economic interests of mining enterprises in the spectrum of limited volumes of natural resources and modern technologies for the development and dressing of ore are considered. The ways of reducing the impact of open pit mining on the volume of the use of natural resources which are based on the optimization of production capacity of a complex of mining operations according to the stage of exploitation of an open pit by ecological and economic efficiency criteria, are proposed.

Keywords: Technology of open-pit mining, environmental and economic efficiency, subsoil use, reclamation, open pit, manganese ore, ore quality.


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