
Strategic approaches of environmentally friendly technologies application

A. Shapar1, P. Kopach1

1NASU Institute of Problems of Nature Management and Ecology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:213-226


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The purpose of the work. To substantiate the strategic approaches to the implementation of environmentally friendly mining technologies.

The research methodology is to analyze and synthesize ways to maximize efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.

Research results. The experience of development of significant mining regions of Ukraine is analyzed. Existing practice of excess consumption of mineral resources is considered. Requirements for ecological harmonization of technological systems are formulated. The mechanisms of increasing the efficiency of nature management at the expense of the effective use of all lands affected by mining operations, including due to their use in the conditions of man-made landscapes in the mining regions are shown. The energy potential of waste heaps and sludge heaps, which exceeds the potential of flat territories by 50-60%, has been estimated. Requirements for the design of wind power plants, which fulfillment of which will increase electricity production in comparison with traditional ones by 5-7 times, are formulated. The data given in the article make it possible to recommend the introduction of wind power and solar power plants at mining enterprises to illuminate quarries and dumps, to operate pumping installations at tailings and other industrial sites, including installations for the demineralization of highly mineralized mine waters. Thus, the economic and environmental performance of mining, especially in the future, will depend on the ability to incorporate new opencast mining technologies into the natural environment. This can only be achieved by maximizing the use of natural effects and phenomena, as well as the cascading principle of waste management. This principle is partly demonstrated by the above technologies.

Scientific novelty. New regularities and dependencies for renewable energy in conditions of mining regions have been established.

Practical meaning. The results of the research allow to implement in the conditions of mining regions new ways of increasing the efficiency of nature management.

Keywords: mining and metallurgical complex, technoecosystem, metal fund, renewable energy sources, energy potential, natural technologies.


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