
Justification of perspective directions for ensuring economic security in the occupational health and safety

D. Zaikina1

1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:204-212


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The purpose of the work is to identify ways to ensure and manage security.

Research methods. An integrated approach is applied, including the collection, systematization and analysis of actual data; methods and concepts of economic security theories.

Results. The object of the study is the safety of workers, which is considered in the context of economic security. It is determined that one of the most problematic places of the issue under consideration is the existing of instability and an increase in the indicators of probable losses from projections and assessing of values of the risk of threats from the activities of enterprises, increase the degree of uncertainty of both the external and internal environment of enterprises which has a dual character. In this case, if the internal component of the organization has a number of positive qualities, the external environment of a business entity is characterized by a particular security; with a negative impact on the external environment, the internal provides for the use of certain preventive measuresto stabilize. Thus, the presence of coherent relations between exogenous and endogenous processes are pushedenterprises to form separate organizational structures with the involvement of additional specialists who, in general, realize the protective function of the enterprise from the dangers of both internal and external origin. The structure of the risk management mechanism is proposed, taking into account the threats inherent in economic security and, above all, vital activity security.

Scientific novelty in the author's approach to identify ways to ensure economic security in the field of occupational health and safety with the maintenance of its human resources, information, and other components.

Practical significance is expressed in the development of measures to improve the effectiveness of occupational health and safety, including the management of organizational and economic security processes.

Keywords: occupational health and safety, vital activity security,economic security, coherent connections,indicator of probable losses, value of the risk, internal and external dangers, accidents, emergency



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