
The disturbed lands use factor influence on the technological schemes investment assessment at the mining titanium deposits

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:8-21


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Purpose.Establishment the influence of the hydromechanized mining complex on the disturbed lands use indicators during surface mining flooded titanium-zirconium deposits.

Research methodology.The analytical research method was used to establish the main indicators of the disturbed lands use at the hydromechanized mining complex implementation in a pit. The graphic research method was used at the calculating the influence of the deposit development year on the dynamics of land disturbance and the additional enterprise income from sublease of internal dump land.

The results.Calculations were made to establish the appropriateness of using a hydromechanized mining complex in the conditions of flooded titanium-zirconium deposit development, using the Motronovsky MPP pit as an example, show that the disturbed land unsuitable areas for use are significantly reduced compared to the technological scheme, which provides for the tailing dump formation. The influence of internal dump lands leasing on the efficiency of the scheme with hydromechanized mining complex according to net present value (NPV) during deposit development it the period of first ten years was established. It has also been proven that in the pit development second decade, a flow chart using a hydromechanized mining complex has better in NPV performance even without subleasing disturbed land.

Scientific novelty.The established dependencies of the project net present value made it possible to compare technological schemes in terms of the investments payback period and recommend the best of them. The established dependencies of the disturbed lands area and the additional income of the enterprise from the deposit development year allow to calculate the investment attractiveness of the technological scheme using a hydromechanical mining complex during the operation pit period from 11 to 20 years.

Practical value.The obtained research results are necessary to justify the selection of a technological scheme for developing a flooded titanium-zirconium deposit by hydromechanical mining complex, taking into account the disturbed lands use on the internal pit dump surface.

Keywords: surface mining, pit, flooded deposits, hydromechanical mining complex, disturbed land, net present value of the project


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