
Analysis of the stress distribution changes in the rock mass including coupling of extractive and development workings while variating the geometric laying parameters

V. Fomychov1, V. Sotskov1, A. Zaporozhets1, I. Nazarov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:131-143


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Purpose. The goal is to determine the degree and quality of influence of the geometric and mechanical parameters of the laying of the excavated space of the mine workings on the state of the enclosing fine-layered rock mass in the interface area of the excavation and development mine workings provided there is no violation of the integrity of the rock layers by main cracks.

The technique. The computational experiment consisted in calculating three options for laying the worked-out space of a cleaning development that was passed in a small-layer rock mass. The modeling of the objects of study was carried out in a three-dimensional representation with the realization of the conditions for the mutual slippage of the rock layers. The mechanical characteristics of the elements of the geomechanical system under study were set taking into account the results of preliminary laboratory and field experiments, which determine the mechanism of the behavior of the granular medium of the formation of the developed space. The correlation analysis of the obtained deformations of the geomechanical system made it possible to determine the dependence of the degree of mutual influence of the selected technology for protecting the treatment output and the mechanical characteristics of the rock mass.

Results. The results of calculations of the computational experiment made it possible to determine the nature of the change in the load on the lining of the excavation and cleaning workings under various conditions for laying out the developed space. An analysis of the stress field of the rock massif together with the deformations of the roof of the clearing generation showed the physical essence of the development of the processes of destruction of the rock layers when the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the bookmark change. The analysis of the deformations of the rock layers made it possible to determine the conditions for the formation of softening zones and the conditions for the formation of main cracks for a particular combination of geological characteristics.

Scientific novelty. Use to determine the effectiveness of the chosen mounting scheme of an integrated multi-criteria approach based on measurements of contour movements and internal fastening elements allows to evaluate the adequacy of the selected computational scheme when predicting changes in the state of the geomechanical system, which is definitely a new technique that evaluates the effectiveness of technological solutions adopted at the stage of underground design constructions.

Practical significance. The results obtained ensure the minimum level of deformation of the roof of the clearing generation, optimize the logistics of the clearing site by determining the optimal volumes of recoverable rock, reduce injuries and improve the working conditions of the miners of the clearing site. The uniform distribution of the load on the lining in space and time allows minimizing the wear of the hydraulic system and, as a result, improves the energy efficiency of coal mining.

Keywords: laying, rock layer, mine working, stress-strain state, rubble strip, suppressed rocks.


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