
Geomechanical problems of stability of natural-technogenic ore deposits

O. Shustov1, M. Petlovanyi1, S. Zubko1, Ye. Sherstuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 58:154-165


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Purpose. To give the most significant problems in the development of ore deposits in Ukraine from the point of view of maintaining the sustainability of natural-technogenic massifs and develop recommendations for solving these problems.

The methods. To calculate the stability parameters of the blade No. 2 of the Petrovsky surface mine of the PSC “TsGOK”, the method of algebraic addition of forces along the most stressed surface is used. When choosing the appropriate option to eliminate the consequences of a landslide, the method of technical and economic comparison is used. Geomechanical problems and the consequences of reducing the stability of the host rocks, ore and stowing massif during underground mining were systematized by the generalization method.

Findings. According to the results of the analysis of mine documentation and surveying of the chamber’s treatment spaces, the floor of the currently almost completed floor of 640-740 m of bookmark collapse cases was recorded in at least 18 chambers, with the roof and sides of the chambers being the main dump areas. It has been established that the total costs of eliminating the consequences of the formation of a shift of 2.5 ha are 66.8 and 60.2 million UAH. respectively, according to the variant with the landslide body cleaning and the variant using the excited area for additional storage of overburden rocks.

The originality. It is established that the values of sedimentation of the massif of rocks reached 70-195 mm. The settling velocity of the array in some areas reached 4 - 6 mm / month. The classification of geomechanical problems and consequences of reduction of stability of natural-technogenic massif at underground mining of iron ores with laying is resulted.

Practical implication. The geomechanical problems with the development of ore deposits with a bookmark are useful for developing measures to increase the stability of elements of development systemsare identified.Four options are proposed for eliminating the consequences of a landslide: cleaning the body of a landslide at the licensed border of land allotment and unloading the slope of the dump at the site of shift to a steady state; attraction of disturbed area to land allotment; the use of the area disturbed by the shift for storing the rock mass; harvesting the shift to the limit of land allotment without flattening the slope. From the point of view of the stability of the slope and economic feasibility, the third option is recommended.

Keywords: rock mass stability, development of ore deposits, massif subsidence, liquidation of the landslide consequences, laying of worked out space.


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