
Investigation of the inpit dump tailings influence on the disturbed lands using indexes

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:8-20


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Purpose. Determine the dependence of disturbed lands restoration at the development of flooded titanium-zirconium deposits from the pit exploitation year.

Research methodology. The analytical research method was used to establish the dependence of the disturbed lands area returned to the new land user under various technological schemes from the year of deposits development. Duringcalculating the influence of the deposit development year on the volume of mining work at the tailings dams construction in the pit internal dump the graphic research method was used.

The results. The study’s results of the distance between the tailings dams influence on the mining work volume at the construction made it possible to establish that the smallest indicators of the dams construction work volume for a five-year period are achieved with a distance between dams L'XX 250 m and amount to 3.6 million m3. When establishing the restored land areas transferred to a new land user, by thevarious technological schemes for developing an irrigated titanium-zirconium deposit with the formation of a tailing dump on the internal dump surface and using a hydromechanized mining complex, the most efficient scheme was determined.

Scientific novelty. The established dependence of the dams construction work volume of tailing dump VCD on the distance between it L'XX made it possible to determine that an increase of the distance between the dams in 6 times from 50 to 300 m, the construction work volume will be reduced by 3.02 times from 11.5 to 3.8 million m3. The dependence of the area difference index of the restored land transferred to the new land user ΔS from the deposit development year made it possible to establish that the highest efficiency of the scheme with a hydro-mechanized mining complex is achieved at the year 17 of the pit development and amounts to 306 hectares, while during the pit completion – 145 hectares.

Practical value. The obtained research results are necessary for further studies to assess the effectiveness of technological schemes at the flooded titanium-zirconium deposits development with different periods of land dump restoration.

Keywords:surface mining, pit, flooded deposits, hydromechanized mining complex, land user, tailing dump


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