
Development of recommendations on strengthening of bases of foundations considering spatial change of parameters of loess massifs during technogenic filtration

I. Sadovenko1, A. Puhach2, N. Dereviahina1, E. Manukian1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Dnipro state agrarian and economic university, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:108-118


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The purpose of this paper is to justify hydrogeomechanical parameters and to develop technical recommendations for works on strengthening the bases of foundations, which allow controlling, predicting and managing processes occurring at a base of a building and a loess massif as a whole in real time.

The methodology. Thesystematization of geological and hydrogeological data, factor-range analysis of parameters, numerical modeling of geomechanical processes, engineering analysis of technical situations.

Findings..Based on the analysis of actual data and the results of numerical modeling, dependencies of deformations of the investigated residential complex due to technogenic moistening of a loess massif of soils are investigated. It was established that a dynamics of subsidence of bench marks in time is closely correlated with a moistening mode. Options of redistribution of loads from residential sections onto an additional pile field, regulated base moistening and grouting of soils are considered as engineering measures to prevent further deformation of the residential complex. Stabilization of a soil base by means of high-pressure cementation is the most acceptable in the present conditions.

The originality. Analysis of filtration properties of loess with technogenic loads helps determine depth interval and geological layers characterized by maximum development of deformation processes and suffusion ones. Moment of a mass transition into unstable condition is estimated quantitatively as well dependence of filtration processe on stream landslides formation.

Practical implications.. Technological scheme of cementation of the soil base is recommended, as well as measures after the base stabilization, such as monitoring of further deformations of the complex itself and parking structures, and possibilities of constructing auxiliary drainage.

Keywords: suffosion, deep erosion, loess soils, hydrogeological conditions


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