
Parameters of anchoring systems for fastening of inclined workings

R. Tereshchuk1, O. Chahovets1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:119-130


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Purpose is to analyze a state of the boundary rock mass of an inclined anchored working with the use of mathematical modeling methods and to determine rational anchoring parameters as well as length of the anchors if they are placed deeper under the mining and geological conditions of l3 seam in Novodonetska mine (DTEK Dobropilliavuhillia JSC).

Research methods. Parameters of anchoring systems for the inclined workings were substantiated while studying regularities of changes in the behaviour of the rock mass as well as its stress-strain state and determining displacements of rock boundary of the working. The data have been used to define rational anchor length and anchoring density. Finite-element method has been used to analyze changes in the behaviour of the boundary rock mass of the inclined anchored working as well as its stress-strain state.

Findings. Analyticalscheme has been originated to solve the problem concerning determination of rational anchoring density and anchor length to fasten inclined workings if they are placed deeper under the mining and geological conditions of l3 seam in Novodonetska mine. Rational parameters have been identified to fasten the inclined workings under the specific mining and geological conditions.

Scientific novelty. Dependency graphs of displacements of the inclined working roof and floor upon its depth in the process of anchor length varying and anchoring density have been developed for mining and geological conditions of l3 seam in Novodonetska mine.

Practical implications. The findings may be applied at the design stage to forecast displacements of roof, floor, and walls of the inclined workings under mining and geological conditions of l3 seam in Novodonetska mine to optimize parameters of anchoring systems.

Keywords:inclined working, mathematical modeling, anchoring, density, length.


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