
Developing support and decision-making system to select activity of the enterprise

T. Khomyak1, A. Malienko1, K.Fishbach1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:132-142


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The purpose of the research is to consider the main approaches and methods of support and decision-making systems for choosing the direction of further activities of LLC "UKRSITISTROY".

Research methods. The problem was solved by method of hierarchy analysis, which allows to find solutions effectively in multicriteria selection problems. This method is based on pairwise comparisons of alternatives by different criteria using a point scale and further ranking of a set of alternatives by all criteria and goals. Relationships between criteria are taken into account by constructing a hierarchy of criteria and using paired comparisons to determine the importance of criteria and sub-criteria.

The results. The system analysis of the activity was carried out. The target tasks, the functional activity of each of the divisions of the enterprise and the interaction between them has been analysed. The information flows within the divisions and between them, the external objects and external information influences, as well as the normative documentation, data available on the enterprise facilities and automation systems have been studied.

Scientific novelty. As a result of the analysis of the task of choosing the direction of activity has been stated and the conceptual and mathematical models of the problem have been presented. To solve the problem of multicriteria selection, the method of hierarchy analysis was applied. For this reason seven alternative kinds were proposed by the experts, what is more nine key criteria influencing decision-making on the choice of activity were identified, that is: five from the benefit hierarchy and four from the hierarchy of costs. The matrices of pairwise comparisons of alternatives for each criterion have been calculated and the best alternative has been determined.

The practical significance. Research results allow us to consider the benefits and potential costs of the enterprise. It is confirmed that the highest priority is given to the direction of activity of the enterprise as other specialized construction works. Using the received new activity, the company will occupy the first place among competitors in the Ukrainian market, to compete adequately and provide services of sufficiently high quality in the short term.

Keywordssystem analysis, system support and decision makinghierarchy analysis method.


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