
Improving labour protection management system at forestry enterprises

S. Cheberyachko1, О. Deryugin1, V. Gilpert1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:144-155


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The purpose of the work is to develop a complex approach to improve labour protection and risk management system (LPRMS) basing upon the risk-oriented approach to the organization of continuous process of personnel training at forestry enterprises according to DSTU OHSAS 18001:2010.

Research methods are in the use of conceptual complementary general scientific and special pedagogical statements to develop the employees’ independence to form their risk-oriented thinking on the basis of cognitive theory statements. 

The results. Requirements of European legislation concerning basic principles of the organization of the industrial training for workers have been analyzed. Certain weaknesses of the current system of personnel training (i.e. the system periodicity, nonavailability of the required competences formation to make quick and efficient managerial decisions to provide safety in the industrial environment) have been identified. A system of personnel training on the basis of risk-oriented thinking formation has been improved making it possible to control industrial risks and make responsible decisions for the risks minimization or elimination in terms of developing different variants of the systems of complex personnel protection while performing their corporate functions. An algorithm has been proposed consisting of three theoretical and one practical modules which will favour better personnel concentration on detecting accident risks and their control. 

Scientific novelty is in the improvement of system to train personnel at forestry enterprises; that training will favour the formation of risk-oriented thinking during the process of labour safety learning owing to the development of motivation basis involving professionally oriented tasks which include scientifically substantiated individual and collective forms of activity.

The practical significance. The research results make it possible to develop efficient basic model of training process in terms of risk management system and formation of risk-oriented approach in the sphere of occupational safety and health at forestry enterprises in the immediate future.

Keywords: labour protection management system, risk-oriented approach, occupational risk, hazard


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