
Substantiation of the method of determination the open-cast mine final contours taking into account the transport parameters

A. Adamchuk1, O. Shustov1, V. Panchenko1, М. Slyvenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:21-32


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Purpose. Development and justification of the methodology for setting the boundary contours of the quarry and the payback period of capital investments for the development of the deposit in an open way, taking into account the parameters of transport, certainly the distance of transporting the rock mass and the production cost of 1 ton-kilometer.

Methods. The developed methodology was tested on a model of a mold-shaped deposit, built using the AutoCAD software. The model parameters were adopted close to bedding conditions of Novo-Dmytrivsk brown coal deposit. The data on geological cross-sectional area, area of mineral contacts with overburden rocks, rock and mineral volumes by stages and in horizontal layers are recorded in an Excel electronic data table, which is the base for calculation economic and mathematical model for a deposit open-cast mining. The model takes into account the volume of mining rocks, their excavation cost, production cost and transportation distance.

Results. Based on the constructed economic and mathematical model, the dependences of mining volumes, its cost and overburden coefficients for different mining stages and depending on the year of mining production operation were built. By analyzing the data obtained, a significant influence of the transport parameters on the mining cost has been established, which is not observed in the overburden coefficient dynamic figures by stages and years.

Scientific novelty. The relevancy of designing and planning of open-cast mining works by comparison of “geological” overburden coefficients with “economical” ones was simplified, the possibility and feasibility of comparison the actual and acceptable costs for deposit development was confirmed.

Practical value. The developed the calculating method for setting the boundary contours of the quarry and the payback period of capital investment allows to design and plan the open-cast mining of minerals with higher accuracy and, in the near future, allows to create on its base a software complex for automated mining design.

Key words:overburden coefficient, transport parameters, quarry boundary contours, mining production cost.


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