
The definition of rational direction of mining development with increasing open pit depth "Katoka"

N. Nesvitaylo1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:33-42


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Goal. To develop recommendations on selection of rational direction of mining development with increasing open pit depth.

Research methods. To achieve this goal, we used graph-analytical method, which is based on the concept of using as optimality criterion the minimum average since the beginning of the Stripping ratio (or maximum rate of extraction), which is defined by contouring of the mineral within the current pit outline.

Research results. On the basis of graph-analytic method rational direction of development of mountain works, providing the observance of principle a "minimum of sredneekspluatacionnogo coefficient of stripping" during all period of exploitation of quarry, was set. At development of valuable almazonosnykh ores large influence on the economic indicators of work renders oscillation of quality of ore as far as working off a quarry, conditioned direction of development of mountain works. The examined deposit of tube of "«Katoka»" is characterized that it consists of a few blocks of useful iskopaemogo, in each of which contained and useful komponenty of different value can be extracted. On the basis of that method direction of deepening, proper a criterion a "maximum of middle maintenance of diamonds, was certain". Both got lines of optimum direction of deepening appeared identical.

Scientific novelty. After the leadthrough of constructions and calculations in the program "Datamine" the chart of V=f(P) was got on which the line of j=0 corresponded the minimum corner of working side, and jmax to the maximally possible corner of working side on condition of lowering of mountain works to optimum direction of deepening. The chart of V=f(P) allowed to define the area of adjusting of the mode of mountain works. In the sought after area of adjusting the line of ABCD, which corresponds work of quarry with the stable sredneekspluatacionnym coefficient of stripping greater part of period of working off a quarry. On the basis of line of ABCD the calendar chart of working off a deposit is developed. Some deviations of the got project line from optimum ABCD are explained complication of gornotekhnicheskoy situation and necessity of preparation of norm of the supplies prepared to the coulisse.

Practical value. With a view to ensuring the minimum average since the beginning of the development of Stripping ratio, as well as changes in the quality of the mineral, a rational direction uglubki career in the first phase of its development (up to 150 m) to take from West to East. With further development of mining works to depths of 450-500 m direction uglubki should be in the West wing of career fields.

Keywords:openwork, diamonds, depth of quarry, mountain mass, coefficient of stripping.



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