
The influence of ultrasonic radiation on the dynamic characteristics of foamed explosive compositions

V. Boiko1, O. Han1, V. Kravets2, А. Han2

1Institute of Hydromechanics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

2National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:56-65


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Purpose. Ensuring the physical stability of foamed explosive compositions due to dispersed additives and processed by ammonium nitrate (AN)by ultrasonic radiation.

The methodology  of research consists in studying the effect of ultrasonic radiation and dispersed additives on foamed explosive compositions.

Findings. The type of component composition of low-density foamed explosive compositions of local preparation based on ammonium nitrate (AN), a solution of surface-active substances (surfactants) and aluminum powder is established. The physicochemical and dynamic characteristics of the proposed foamed compositions are determined and the effect of ultrasonic radiation on them is investigated.

The originality is that the dependence of the physical stability of the foamed explosive under the influence of ultrasonic treatment with ammonium nitrate was obtained and it was found that the greatest physical stability is achieved when the AN is treated with ultrasound for 4 minutes and is 2-4 hours in an open container and 1-3 days in a closed container.

The influence of ultrasonic treatment AN on the dynamic characteristics of foamed mixtures is established. It was found that the detonation velocity of open charges not processed by AN by ultrasonic radiation is slightly lower than after processing and is accordingly (1.0-2.5) • 103 m/s and (1, 2-2.6) • 103 m/s . The time of pressure rise in the pulse to the maximum in the studied mixtures is almost the same and is accordingly (40-60) • 10-6s for charges not treated with AN ultrasonic radiation and (45-65) • 10-6s for charges after processing AN with ultrasonic radiation. The pressure at the front of the wave of foamed explosives after treating AN with ultrasonic radiation is (0.05-0.1) • 109 Pa higher than in foamed explosives without treating AN with ultrasonic radiation. The rate of increase in pulse pressure in foamed explosives after processing with AN by ultrasonic radiation is (0.09 - 0.21) • 1014 Pa/s, in foamed explosives without treating with AN by ultrasonic radiation - (0.08 - 0.20) • 1014Pa/s.

Practical implications. Proposal of a device and method for preparing foamed explosive compositions. The mechanical mixing of a solution of surfactant, ammonium nitrate in a low speed mode without foaming the mixture.AN pellets are pre-sonicated and crushed on a crusher with the addition of 3-4% dispersed aluminum. Further, this suspension is supplied under pressure to the place of blasting and dosed aeration due to entrainment air ejection by the mixture flow with direct-flow delivery of the foamed explosive composition to the place of use.

Keywords: foamed explosive composition, ultrasonic treatment, ammonium nitrate, device, dispersed additive, surfactants.


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