
Justification of factors influencing the creation and implementation of boring corons

O. Zhuravel1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:66-76


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The purpose of this work is to assess the factors affecting the wear resistance of drill bits when drilling holes in the drilling of mine workings.

The theoretical research methodology used to solve this problem was used, based on the analysis of scientific, technical and patent information, which makes it possible to summarize the experience of many researchers and scientific organizations in the form of systematic information.

The result of this work is presented by the classification of factors and parameters influencing the wear resistance of the drill bits, which will allow to take into account these factors, both in the creation of new, more effective types of drill bits, and at least effective application of them in the mining of mine workings in various mining and geological conditions of mining enterprises.

Scientific novelty lies in the development and classification of factors and parameters affecting the wear resistance of drill bits, represented by both unchanged stable and adjustable parameters.

Practical significance. The research results allow us to consider, with a layered development system, as a real factor that reduces losses and dilution, and guaranteed to provide a significant economic effect in the processing of uranium ore in a hydrometallurgical plant by reducing the cost of crushing, grinding, leaching of ore, production waste disposal.

During the opening and development of mineral deposits by the underground method, the mine workings of various technological purposes are drilled using the blasting method. As a drilling tool, drill bits are used as a directly destructive element in contact with a mountain range.

The topic of wear resistance of drill bits has been and remains relevant today due to the transition of drilling equipment from a pneumatic actuator to a hydraulic actuator and associated operating conditions, drilling modes, poor quality of drill bits of domestic production and the high cost of imported crowns.

Thematerials in this article can be useful for research organizations and firms engaged in this topic, for students of mining engineering mastering the educational process (as an additional course of lectures with the same name, as indicated in the title of the article), as well as for mining technical workers - mining enterprises engaged in the extraction of minerals both underground and open pit.

Keywords: analysis, wear resistance, new drill bit, factors.


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