


S. Mineev1, D. Pymonenko1, L. Novikov1, A. Slashchov1

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2019, 59:98-107


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The purpose of the work is research influence of the liquid phase on the parameters process transportation of methane-air mixture (MAM) through mine degassing pipelines and rationalization of methods for its processing.

Research methods. To establish patterns of changes in gas-dynamic parameters in the main elements of a degassing system (DS), we used analytical methods for calculating degassing networks with local resistances and a methodical for calculating the operating modes of vacuum pumps. The choice of rational methods of processing the gas mixture in mine boiler plants was carried out on the basis of the analysis of their technical indicators. 

The results. The relationships are given for the gas-dynamic parameters of the MAM in mine degassing pipeline, which take into account the humidity of gas mixture, air inflows through the flanged joints of the pipeline links, shape of the cross-section in the places accumulations liquid phase and the interaction of the MAM flow with the indicated entities. The results of calculating for expendable characteristics of a degassing pipeline with accumulation of liquid and two parallel-running vacuum pumps are presented. Based on the analysis of the operation of mine boiler plants, it is proposed to transfer them from steam to hot water to extend the operating life.

Scientific novelty. The dependence expendable characteristics of two parallel operating vacuum pumps and degassing pipeline on the losses of its passage section in the place of fluid accumulation is established, which allows to regulate the modes of operation of the DS and to carry out a set of technical measures for restoring the throughput of the degassing network.

The practical significance. A methodology has been developed for calculating the parameters of transporting a humid MAM by mine degassing pipeline, taking into account the accumulation liquid phase in its sections, which allows to reduce the energy consumption for transportation MAM, as well as the cost of repair and maintenance DS.

Keywords:methane-air mixture, degassing pipeline, degassing system, accumulation of liquid, air leaks.


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