
Justification of co-relation of occupational safety and business profits

D. Zaikina1

1Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:49-57


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The purpose of the work to determine the co-relation of occupational safety and business profits.

Research methods. An  integrated  approach  is  applied,  including  the  collection,  systematization  and analysis of actual data; methods of system analysis, operations research, probability theory, methods of mathematical statistics and expert estimates.

Results. It is determined that the economic mechanisms of measures to improve occupational safety should be found one’s position, first of all, by the economic expression of the social significance of occupational health and safety with the aim of choose the optimal solution. The article also index that characterize andaffect occupational safety are discussed, respectively, on the amount of profit of the enterprise. The so-called «economic value of occupational health and safety », that is determined by the results of changes in social indicators and economic factors, is investigated.The question of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the economic efficiency of the functioning of the HSE management system during development of mineral deposits by underground mining is reflected. An attempt of mathematical formulation the co-relation of occupational safety and business profits is exerted. The optimal and maximum indices of risk, profit and HSE-MS system performance effectiveness were determined using the example of the mining enterprise PISC «KZRK». It was found that the highest level of occupational safety is achieved upon condition that the whole complex of indicators is been within the acceptable limits of threshold values.

Scientific novelty in the author's approach to the description of the dependence of enterprise’s indicators, affecting or occupational safety as well as profit, that causes a search for new directions and ways to improve the organizational and technical support of occupational health and safety.

Practical significance is expressed in developing a methodological approach which is based on a modified balanced system that is connected the material resources and labor forces etc., which are considered in the aspect of ensuring safety, with achieving the highest possible level of production efficiency.

Key words: occupational health and safety,HSE management system, occupational safety, business profits, co-relation, indicator of losses, value of the risk, injury


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