
Stabilization of the soil mass with the injection anchors. Comparative analysis of design features

N. Zuievska1, V. Gubashova2

1National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine

2JV "Osnova-Solsif", Special and Hydrotechnical Works Department, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:58-68


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The aim of research is to familiarize ourselves with the methods and approaches when using the graphical method to place a collapse prism when designing soil anchors described in the regulatory documents of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, also to perform a comparative analysis of the dependences of the root location, the length of the free part of soil anchors and structural deformations foundation pit fencing.

Research methods. Teoheoretical analysis of regulatory documents in force in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the United States of America and modeling of the stress-strain state of the construction of the foundation pit fence with soil anchors using the multifunctional complex Plaxis V8.6, which uses the finite element method.

Results. For the example of modeling of the selected approaches, a loamy soil mass and a retaining structure, made of 24M profile double-step with a length of 0.5 m 16 m, with two tiers of soil injection anchors with a slope of 25º and a step of 1.5 m, were selected. For each model were selected according to the conducted plane of collapse. Taking into account the approaches considered, five models were created and the results analyzed. A comparative analysis was carried out to visualize the dependences of the lengths of the free part of the anchors and the deformations of the construction of the deep excavationand the forcesin it. From the obtained results, it was noted that a smaller change in the free length of the anchors leads to an increase in the displacement of the fence structure, but does not have such a pronounced effect on the bending moment arising in it. A comparative analysis of the axial forces in the groud bodiesof the anchors when changing their location was also performed.

Scientific novelty. Comparative analysis of the graphical method of locating the grout bodiesof injection anchors in accordance with the approaches highlighted in the regulations of different countries.

Practical meaning. Familiarity with the design features of injection ground anchors in some countries and the study of the effect of changing the free length of anchors on the deformation of the design of the deep excavations.

Keywords: groundanchor, grout body, free length, plane of collapse, normative documents, excavation of the pit.


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