
Determination of the tension of the conveyor belt of the belt conveyor

T. Lubenets1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:81-92


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Purpose. Establishing regularities of distribution of tension of a conveyor belt of a belt conveyor, search of the equation of friction of flexible bodies and conditions of transfer to the flexible body of the given tractive effort taking into account the centrifugal forces of the flexible body.

Method. Experimental investigations on the belt conveyor test bench and the theoretical solution of the Euler problem in 1775 on the sliding of a flexible body over a fixed block, taking into account the centrifugal forces of a flexible body. Research at the stand is to balance the thrust and friction moments of the conveyor belt on the conveyor belt blocks and to determine the tension of the conveyor belt. The Euler problem is solved with the use of new scientific knowledge about the friction of bodies and the conservation of mechanical energy.

Results. Based on experimental and theoretical studies: - the tension distribution of the conveyor belt of the conveyor belt at the characteristic points of the belt conveyor was established and a theoretical model was developed taking into account the centrifugal forces of the flexible body; - the new equation of friction of flexible bodies is deduced and the condition of transfer to the flexible body of the given tractive effort taking into account the centrifugal forces of the flexible body.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, a regularity of the tension distribution of the conveyor belt of the belt conveyor was established taking into account the centrifugal forces of the flexible body, which corresponds to the equilibrium conditions of the mechanical system. For the first time, a new equation of friction of flexible bodies was obtained, taking into account the centrifugal forces of a flexible body, which corresponds to the laws of classical mechanics: the equilibrium conditions of a mechanical system; the law of conservation of mechanical energy in a closed mechanical system; the law of Hooke and the law of friction of Coulomb bodies.

Practical importance. A theoretical model of the distribution of the conveyor belt tension at the characteristic points of the belt conveyor is developed.The condition of transmission to the conveyor belt of a given tractive force was obtained.The use of scientific research results in the calculation of the parameters of conveyor transport lines leads to the definition of optimal parameters and helps to increase the efficiency of mining enterprises.

Keywords:belt conveyor, conveyor belt, flexible body, block, friction, tension, centrifugal forces, law, equation of friction of flexible bodies.


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