
Substantiation of the rational installation location of a dragline excavator in the face when working with dump trucks

M. Chebanov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:143-149


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The goal. To substantiate the rational location of the dragline excavator in the bottom, when working in combination with dump trucks, to reduce the overall angle of rotation.

Object of study. Mining and loading works of complexes of the mining transportation equipment "dragline + dump truck".

Subject of study. Bench face parameters and location of dragline excavator in the bench face.

Methods. Establishing a rational place for the installation of dragline excavator in the bench face by determining the total angle of rotation for dragline placed at different positions, was carried out. The algorithm includes the analysis of scientific and technical publications, a graphoanalytical method for modeling the operation of a dragline excavator in combination with a dump truck, and a mathematical modeling method for establishing the relationship between the location of the excavator and the angle of rotation.

Results. Formulas for determining the total angle of rotation of a dragline, with its location at a distance of B, 0,5A, 0,75A and A from the crest of bench, were obtained. The dependence of the total angle of rotation of the dragline on the bench width is established. It is established that at the bench width from 16.5 m to 43 m, the value of the total angle of rotation at the different positions of the excavator is almost unchanged. The rational position when working dragline in combination with dump trucks is the location of the excavator at a distance of 0.5A from the crest of bench.

Scientific novelty. To determine the rational location of the dragline during its work in combination with dump trucks, two new formulas for determining the total angle of rotation for different positions of the excavator in the bottom were developed. For the first time, the effect of the dragline installation location on the overall angle of rotation was analyzed.This allowed us to determine the rational position of the excavator in the bench width.

Practical importance. The developed technique allows us to determine the rational location of the dragline in the face, for different schemes of excavator work in combination with dump trucks, which will allow us to optimize the working cycle of the excavator and increase its productivity.

Keywords: dragline, angle of rotation, dump truck, bench width, bench face, rational location.


1.  Sobko, B.Yu., Maievskyi, A.M., & Chebanov, M.O. (2015) Vstanovlennia zalezhnosti kuta povorotu vid shyryny zakhodky ta vysoty ustupu, pry rozvantazhuvanni drahlaina u avtosamoskyd. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho hirnychoho universytetu, 49, 81-86.

2.  Sobko, B.Yu., & Chebanov, M.O. (2017) Bezpechni parametry vyboiu ekskavatora drahlaina pry navantazhenni avtosamoskydiv. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Natsionalnoho hirnychoho universytetu, 52, 8-16.

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