
Rationale of the calculated method of operating determination of current emissions of district boilers, their indicators of their energy efficiency and the degree of environmental hazard

V. Kolesnyk1, А. Pavlуchenko1, І. Moniuk1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:162-176


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Goal. Justification of the calculation method for the operational determination of current emissions from urban boiler houses to the atmosphere during the heating season, with an assessment of the energy efficiency of fuel use and the degree of environmental hazard of emissions.

Research methodology provides a critical analysis of the existing calculation methodology for determining atmospheric emissions from power plants; study of the dynamics of air temperature in the heating season; mathematical modeling to justify the method for the operational determination of emissions from boiler houses, their energy efficiency and environmental safety level.

Research results The features of the district heating system and the existing methods for calculating the values of pollutant emissions by power plants, as well as statistical data on the temperature of the air in the heating season are analyzed. The regularity of the influence of air temperature on fuel consumption by boiler houses and their emissions is revealed. A pattern has been established for the operational determination of current emissions of urban boiler houses and indicators (indices) of energy efficiency of fuel consumption and the degree of environmental safety of their emissions.

Scientific novelty consists in using an indicator (index) introduced by the authors, which at the same time characterizes the multiplicity of excess of current fuel consumption and corresponding current pollutant emissions from the boiler house relative to their reference (reference) values, calculated once at the beginning of the heating season at atmospheric temperature of about 8 °C. This made it possible to quickly determine the current emissions of polluting substances from the boiler house and evaluate their energy efficiency, as well as the degree of environmental safety.

Practical value. The obtained calculated dependencies and indicators are proposed for use in further determining the degree of environmental safety of seasonal city boiler houses without resorting to measuring emissions.

Keywords: environmental hazards of heat supply systems, methods for determining emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, power plants, energy efficiency of boiler houses.


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