
Study of the state of green areas in Dnipro in the area of influence of road transport

A. Mulina1, А. Pavlуchenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:177-185


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Goal. Investigation of the ecological status of the Dnieper green spaces in the territories adjacent to the roads, taking into account the intensity of traffic during «peak» hours, building features, terrain and weather conditions, with further development of a recommendation to improve the statusgreen of the Dnieper depending on the level of their damage.

Research results. Has been evaluated the environmental status of the greens plantations of the Dnieper in the territories adjacent to the highways. Established that on of the investigated territories the index of damage of green spaces varies from 11.8% up to 38%, which characterizes the change in the stand from «healthy» to «damaged». It is revealed that on peak time motorways of the city of Dnipro in peak hours there is an excess of one-time maximum permissible concentration of carbon monoxide from 4.4 up to 30.8 times.

Scientific novelty. The laws of changes in the level and nature of damage to green spaces growing in the zone of negative impact of vehicles are established. A set of measures has been developed aimed at improving the state of green spaces of the Dnieper city, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the territory, the terrain, weather conditions and traffic intensity.

Practical meaning. The results of the study confirmed the close relationship between environmental pollution from motor vehicle emissions and the oppression of life processes for growing urban plantations. Recommendations have been developed to improve the state of the Dnieper green spaces, depending on the level of damage to the green spaces. The results of the work can be used to improve the system for controlling the speed of vehicles and landscaping areas adjacent to highways.

Keywords: road transport, ecological danger, pollutant emissions, environmental status of the city, assessment of green plantations, assessment of the degree of atmospheric airpollution


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