
Evaluation of technical state and environmental safety of Kilchen irrigation system main canal operation 

O. Orlinska1, D. Pikarenya2, H. Hapich1, N. Maksymova1, L. Rudakov1, I. Chushkina1

1Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University,Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 60:186-195


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Purpose. To evaluate the current technical state and environmental hazard of Kilchen irrigation system main canal operation. The purpose of the study is to establish qualitative indicators of impaired canal sections and filter areas. According to the results of field studies, quantitative parameters of water filtration losses and ecological risks of flooding of the territory were determined.

The research methodology is based on field observations made by visual diagnostic surveys and the use of a complex of geophysical methods of the Earth's natural pulsed electromagnetic field (ENPEF) and vertical electrical sounding (VES). Paper processing of the results was performed using specialized software packages: Microsoft Excel, AutoCAD, Golden Software Surfer, IP2Win, and Google Earth Pro. The calculation part is to determine the quantitative parameters of the filtration losses of water and to predict the ecological risks of flooding the territory using known mathematical methods.

Research results. The sites of the damaged technical condition of the hydraulic engineering structure and the zone of filtration losses of water from the main canal were established. The length of the broken parts is 36.5% of the total investigated length of the structure. Depths of groundwater are determined. Loss rates for different levels of passage in the canal were estimated. The ecological risks of flooding of the territory are considered. The estimated risk factor is R=0,203, which is considered moderate.

Scientific novelty. The expediency and application of the use of geophysical methods in the diagnostic surveys of soil hydraulic structures has been substantiated and confirmed. The possibility of detecting defects not revealed outside and hidden areas of filtration deformations in the body of the structure has been established.

Practical meaning.The qualitative parameters of the damaged areas have been determined and quantitative indicators of unproductive water losses from the main canal have been established, enabling the development of a set of technical measures to increase the efficiency of the structure. To substantiate technical and technological decisions during the repair and restoration works and the order of their implementation.

Key words: main canal, technical state, environmental safety, filtration losses of water, geophysical research methods.


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