
Determining the ignition property of a test sample of a safety emulsion explosive of class IV

А. Kurliak1

1State Enterprise “Research-Industrial Complex “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”, Pavlograd, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:18-26


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Objective is to determine the advantages of test samples of safety emulsion explosives produced at the State Enterprise “Research-Industrial Complex “Pavlograd Chemical Plant” (SE “RIC “PCP”), comparing to the trotyl-containing safety explosives, in terms of their ignition property index.

Research methods. The methodology “Determination of the ignition property index of safety explosives”, developed by the SE “RIC “PCP”, has been used while studying a test sample of a safety emulsion explosive of class IV for its ignition property. To determine pressure while firing the explosives, a method for identifying the explosive resistance to deflagration has been applied.

Findings. Ignition property of test samples of safety emulsion explosives has been determined experimentally with the help of a manometric bomb where a charge with the igniting compound has been tested. Ignition properties of a test sample of a safety emulsion explosive have been specified in terms of the changes in the igniting compound mass. Experimental values of the ignition property index of a test sample have made it possible to define the pressure parameter, at which explosive ignition takes place.

Originality. Experimental results of the ignition property index of test samples of the safety emulsion explosives produced by SE “RIC “PCP” have been analyzed. Advantages of the safety emulsion explosives have been defined in terms of the ignition property index comparing to the trotyl-containing safety explosives.

Practical implications. The manufactured samples of safety emulsion explosives have been tested to identify their ignition property index. The obtained results show that the use of safety emulsion explosives results in the improved safety of blasting operations in mines dangerous in gas and dust explosion; the explosives may be used while manufacturing domestic safety emulsion explosives of class IV.

Key words: emulsion explosive, manometric bomb, ignition property index, igniting compound.


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