
Development of safety work system at mining enterprises

S. Cheberiachko1, О. Yavorska1, A. Yavorskyi1, M. Naumov1, M. Ikonnikov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:37-50


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Objective is to develop innovative approach to the system of labour safety control at mining enterprises.

Research methodology. The research is based on the Safe Systems Of Work, SSOW, being a set of certain thoroughly selected (relying on the formulated industrial task) safe procedures, which are defined taking into consideration the staff competence and equipment characteristics.  

Findings. To reduce occupational diseases and injuries, it is proposed for enterprises to provide a system of safe work control based on the risk-oriented approach. The system consists of five steps: analyze, summarize, forecast, support, and improve. Its implementation will make it possible to monitor occupational risks and substantiate the ways of their decrease by improving (changing) the production technologies. Implementation of each step means corresponding procedure, which helps provide clear instructions for safe performance of operations. Dangers and occupational risks have been analyzed in terms of a coal shearer operator. A procedure of safe work has been developed; the procedure is represented in the infographic form.

Originality. The proposed innovative safe work system for mining enterprises is based on the ergonomic criteria, which means decrease in occupational diseases/injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The five steps of the system correspond to the well-known principle of Deming-Shewhart. Each step is supported by the corresponding methods to detect occupational risks and to elaborate recommendations as for their decrease.

Practical implications. The procedures (forms, instructions, tables) have been developed making it possible to identify dangers, to evaluate occupational risks, and to develop clear instructions for safe work at a specific workplace.

Keywords: mining enterprise, risk-oriented approach, injuries, safe work system, dangerous factors.


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