
The issue of increasing the efficiency of mining on sloping layers

Ya. Shavarskyi1

1Company “Jarad”, Sosnice, Poland

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:66-77


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Purpose. Based on the analysis, the dependences that take into account the intensity of the rock mass in order to establish the rational parameters of the sections of mechanized fastening during the operation of two paired wallfaces.

Research methods arepresented in the analysis, systematization of the existing experience of concentration of mining in coal mines on seams with a thickness up to 1.5 m; depending on the geological and mining conditions, a simulation model of the overburden rock mass is proposed using the SolidWorks 2019 application package. Based on the obtained reduced stresses, a geomechanical model of the rock mass was formed for the real conditions of paired lavas in the n7n seams in the mine of the SE “Lvivuhilla”. These results make it possible to establish the basic principles of rock pressure control and the load on the lining of mechanized complexes. This allows you to efficiently develop coal reserves at the appropriate technical, technological and economic levels.

Findings. The current state and possibilities of concentration of mining at mines of Ukraine are considered; also as methods, system information products and approaches to setting stresses in the rock mass. A model of the rock mass behavior during extracting the mine field by paired wallfaces has been developed. The main deformation characteristics of the rock mass management depending on the mining and geological conditions of occurrence and mining parameters of the coal mining process are established. The directions of improvement of technical and technological maintenance and features of execution of fastening in wallfaces are offered.

Scientific originality. System influence between separate sources of stresses for a choice of expedient ways of management of rock pressure at extraction the coal seams to 1,5 m by paired wallfaces in concrete mining and geological conditions of mine of SE "Lvivuhilla" are reflected.

Practical implications. With the help of the package of applied information programs "SolidWorks 2019" a simulation model of the minefield with two paired wallfaces was created, the stress-strain state of the rock mass was assessed, which allowed to offer rational parameters of mining operations and effectively manage rock pressure for mining and geological conditions on the mines of the Lviv-Volyn coal deposit.

Keywords: coal seam, paired wallface, data processing methods, information application package, simulation model, assessment of stress-strain state of the rock mass.


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