
Residential areas environmental safety improvement in the atmospheric air intensive pollution zones

Y. Voytenko1, O. Levytska1

1Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2020, 61:94-102


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Objectiveof theresearchAnalysis of the main sources of sinter productiondust emissions.Analysis of existing morbidity risk determination methods related toenvironmental factorsharmful effects.Hazard identification and priority factors selection in risk determination.Studyof the relationship between the morbidity rate decrease and dust pollution reduction in the iron ore sintering processes.

Methods of theresearchFor morbidity risk assessment we calculated the probability of disease based on the integral parametervalue.The hazard ratio was also determined by comparing the actual levels of exposure to thesafe (reference) levels of impact.

Results of the research. The analysis of the main sources of dust emission at sinter plants shows that the main source of such is the sintering processes in sinter machines.The degree of the damaging effect of dust on human healthis mainly determined by the concentration of dust in the air and its dispersion.Finer dust penetrates deeper into human respiratory system.The structural analysis of total incidenceshows that the first place is occupied by respiratory diseases.There is an established connection between anthropogenic air pollution and the increasing level of lung diseases.We have developed and implemented a technology for treatmentthe sintering mixture before sintering with surfactant solutions in order to improve pelletizing and reduce dust emission from the layer being sintered.Our experimental studies have resulted in the optimal parameters and modes for the treatment of sintering mixture with surfactant solutions.It is established that the introduction of the developed technology allows to reduce the dust concentration in the sinter gas emissions in several times, including the reduce of fine dust concentration (up to 20 µm) in the sinter gases after the multicyclone.The reduction of dust emission in the sinter gases as a result of the sintering mixture treatment with surfactant solutions before sintering will result in the morbidity rate decrease in the residential areas close to sinter plants.

Scientific novelty. Methodologically combined results of the laboratory, experimental, and theoretical research of reducing the morbidity risk in the areas of adverse environmental conditions caused by intense industrial activity.

Practical significance. The directions of reducing the hazard of airborne dust negative impact by the application of modern dedusting methods in the basic technological processes of metallurgical production are justified.

Key words: Dust formation, sinter production, dedusting, surfactants, morbidity risk.


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